After I had my first driving lesson, I was determined to have tuition on a weekly basis, so that I could take my test as soon as possible and get my full british driving licence even though there is still no need for me to buy a car. The main reason for this as I mentioned in the introduction to my driving lessons blog was the realisation that knowing how to drive a car is a very valuable life skill to possess. I have been working hard on keeping that promise over the last 3 months, however things have become very busy at work, and I've had to put in extra late hours which has meant I get home late and tired, and have had to use the weekend to rest and regain my strength, so I've had to cancel my last 2 weeks of driving lessons, and I'm not sure things are going to ease off until late summer!
My driving skills were improving, and despite the various problems that have presented themselves as hurdles, I've manged to work on avoiding stalling, learn and do some driving manoeuvres, taking special care to keep the car slow and effectively look around for hazards, deal with agressive road users and keep my emotions and nerves under control. I'm now not sure how this break in the learning process is going to affect my goal. I'm hoping that things do cool down sooner than later, and that I can return to my driving lessons, and will update this blog as soon as there is a change.
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