Driving maneuver problems

I mentioned in my last blog post that I was having problems stalling while driving, well I was having different problems on my last driving lesson.

I've now been taught 2 driving maneuvers, and my instructor has pointed out that I'm doing the same thing wrong on both, I keep going too fast, and not taking or making effective observations.

I've been told that the reasons many people fail their drving tests while doing manouvers, is that they drive the car too fast, usually losing control and this fast speed doesn't allow them to take effective observations, missing hazards in the process and resulting in unsafe driving!
We therefore spent a lot of time during the driving lesson making sure that while performing both the turn in the road and the reverse parking exercises that I concentrated on having a slow car, looking all around and allowing the eyes to register what was happening around me.

I was told to always drive as if I was on a practical test with a DSA examiner, and not do anything during the lesson that I wouldn't do if it was a test. Well I've got a lot of work to do over the next couple of lessons in that department, but I will try my best even though I can't always remember everything and still drive the car smoothly!

More Reading
Turn in the road


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