Provision Licence Expiring

I got a letter today from the DVLA saying that the photocard on my provisional driving licence will be expiring next month, and that for my licence to continue to be valid, I need to renew my photocard licence at the cost of £20!

The letter also said that it was a criminal offence if I didn't surrender my expired photocard ID, and that I could face a fine of up to £1000.

I guess I'm paying for delaying starting to learn to drive a car, as I've had this licence since 1999 when I first planed to start driving lessons in London, but due to work and the fact that I've never really had a transportation problems because I live close to the London Underground station and buses to the west end are also easy to get, I've left it this long!

Now I've got to get my passport photos arranged, and fill in the photocard renewal application form and processed before it expires so I can continue with my driving lessons.


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