Driving lessons break is BAD!

I can't believe that it is almost one year since I last sat in a car's driver seat.
For this very reason last saturday I had a lesson with a different driving school in Hampstead Heath because I wanted to find out how much I still remembered as I still haven't decided if I'm going to be returning to taking regular driving lessons so I'm not ready to face my old instructor (nothing wrong with him, just too embaraced that I feel I've let him down for not sticking to my original commitment).

The driving lesson was only one hour long, and while I haven't totally forgotten everything I've been taught, the first 15 minutes or so where very frightning and nervous for me. I was making a lot of basic mistakes, improper use of POM routine, even MSM at Junctions was rubbish, I forgot which way to turn the steering while performing the turn in the road, sometimes it was like I had never been taught these things, and I was totally disappointed with the parallel parking maneuver, as I didn't manage to get it right at all, I should have gone over the video below before the lesson, but I thought I would be fine.

The break from lessons has not been totally a easy choice of mine, it's just that work was really getting hard and demanding and since I last wrote, I've now taken on more responsibilities, and since I'm lucky to have a job in the current economic climate, I can't put it at risk by not using the little time I get to rest and have a life of my own, afterall I don't really need to drive a car living in Hampstead NW3 london.
I reckon that it will take me at least 6 more lessons to get back to the stage I was last year or maybe more.

For the time being, no more driving lessons, so my learning to drive blog will not be updated for a while.